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Waddesdon Bell Limited jobs

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Company: Waddesdon Bell Limited
Address: 116 High Street Waddesdon Bucks
Telephone: 01296651320
Email: adcrichards@mac.com
Website: http://www.thebellwaddesdon.com

Experience fantastic British and European food, full of flavour, served by our warm and friendly staff alongside an excellent choice of wines, lagers, real ales and soft drinks. Our warm and relaxed public house is packed full of original features like our open log fires to cater for you on those cold winter days.
From our 'kitchen' restaurant, situated in the oldest building in the village, we will serve you the finest cuisine brought together to satisfy any appetite or occasion, large or small.
You may though, choose to kick back and relax in our comfortable bar, read the papers or play some classic games with friends and family. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the new look Pub and our new found ambiance!

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