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Jobs market in Australia picking up

Promising news to Australians returning home from the UK
Job vacancies rose across Australia last year, a study this week reveals, indicating the economy is improving after the global financial crisis.

It comes as promising news to Australians returning home from the UK – which  bore the full brunt of the devastating economic period.

The number of vacancies rose 3.2 per cent in 2010 compared to 2009, with the highest demand coming from the food, transport and logistics industries, according to job agency IPA Recruitment.

Employers are also driving up the number of permanent hires for this month.

But it is too early for the nation’s workforce to breathe a sigh of relief just yet, as 2011 is still going to be volatile, IPA chief Tricia Phillips said.

“In 2010 we hit some peaks in confidence but as fast as we became confident, we became cautious again,’’ she said.

The September quarter in 2010 showed a rise in mining and energy exports. This, in turn, indicates that mining and its associated industries will be the major drivers for job growth this year.

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