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I use to work for Air New Zealand and heard great stories about Sail Croatia


Career: Reservations agent for Sail Croatia
Age: 23
Lives: Acton Town
From: Auckland, New Zealand

What do you do?

I correspond to emails and liaise with travellers who are interested in having a good time in Croatia. I also have a mixture of office duties,
such as going into the city to collect documents, or updating our website.

How did you get the job?

I used to work for Air New Zealand back home and heard great stories about Sail Croatia from all my friends, so thought that it would be a fun company to work for. I applied online and convinced my Kiwi boss he needed another Kiwi in the office.

What’s the best thing about your job?

Working with people who are laid-back, funny and know how to have a good time. Having the opportunity to work normal business hours and the luxury of having weekends off, which is rare in the travel industry. Oh, and I get to go on one of the cruises later on this year. 

What’s the most challenging thing about your job?

Understanding different accents over the phone and making everybody happy. Most of all, knowing how everybody is partying it up in Croatia this summer while I’m sitting in an office. 

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