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New ID card for UK

Within three years all foreign nationals applying for leave to enter or remain i

Immigration laws

Australians, New Zealanders and South Africans wanting to live and work in the UK will have to get used to the ID card pictured above: it’s becoming compulsory.

The UK Government recently issued the first pictures of what the new card will look like.

It’s similar to a driver’s licence and will show the holder’s photograph, name, date of birth, nationality and immigration status, such as whether they have the right to work in the UK. An electronic chip will hold biometric details, including fingerprints, and a facial image.

From November 25 the card will be compulsory for foreigners applying to study in the UK and foreigners applying for leave to remain on the basis of marriage.

The card will be rolled out progressively in coming years. Within three years all foreign nationals applying for leave to enter or remain in the UK will be required to have an ID card. The Government hopes to have about 90 per cent of foreign nationals carrying a card by 2014-15. They will be available to the general UK population from 2011-12, but will not be compulsory.

Students and people applying for leave to remain on the basis of marriage have been targeted for the start of the programme as theirs’ are visa categories most targeted by those wanting to abuse the immigration system, the UK Government said.

Working from home

Around 80 per cent of workers want to have the option of occasionally working from home, according to a survey by travel company Cruise118.

Meanwhile 46 per cent said  they want to work from home full-time. “With rising petrol prices, expensive child care and a stressful commute to the office each day, it’s no wonder many people would rather work from home,’ Cruise118 director Mal Barritt said.

“The majority of business is done via email and telephone these days, and therefore in most cases staff can work just as effectively from home.”

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