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Career opportunities home and away

People used to come to the UK looking for better jobs
A recent survey by Hays GlobaLink has found that improved career opportunities are providing the greatest reason for Australians to return home.

The global downturn has created a more level playing field in many sectors, while the lure of the sun and an outdoors lifestyle are also cited as major reasons to leave the UK, particularly by New Zealanders.

The top five reasons for moving to the UK for New Zealanders were found to be travel, making money, career opportunities, a better social life and a new cultural experience. The top five reasons for returning home were better lifestyle, better weather, career opportunities, missing the family and earning money back home.

For Australians the the top five reasons for moving to the UK were travel opportunites, career opportunities, earning money, experiencing culture and a better social life. The top five reasons for returning home were career opportunities back home, the better weather, the lifestyle, missing family and earning money back home.

According to Rachel Baldy, Manager of Hays GlobaLink, the survey has helped to identify why people are considering leaving the UK, ensuring that Hays GlobalLink is better placed to help clients make this move. "People used to come to the UK looking for better jobs, but now Australia offers similar career prospects, but has the added draw of family being close to hand.  After all, there’s nothing quite like home – and it is good to know that you don’t have to compromise your career in order to enjoy the benefits.”

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