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NZ workers' wages up

Accounting and clerical staff had an increase of 7 per cent

New Zealand workers’ wages went up faster than their superiors’ wages last year, according to a salary survey by the northern branch of the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA).

Senior management and second tier managers’ salaries increased by about 4.5 per cent, but wages for skilled and semi-skilled people went up 6 per cent.

Accounting and clerical staff had an increase of 7 per cent. Overall, the average pay rise remained unchanged from last year at 4.5 per cent.

David Lowe, employment services manager for EMA’s northern branch, said: “The range of pay changes was much smaller. Fewer rates decreased and the list of positions with very large increases was also shorter.”

The survey also revealed the average number of unused holidays had tripled in the past three years to 18.58 days.

“Clearly both employers and employees would benefit from being able to cash-up the fourth week’s holiday,” Lowe said.

He added that the number of employees receiving more than four weeks’ holiday remained stable at 12 per cent. Meanwhile, the association welcomed National’s tax package plans to put $5 billion — or 50 per cent more — in taxpayers’ pockets over three years than Labour would have done.

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