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Tradie jobs in the UK

The company provides workers with a 'full kit'
Coming to the UK to work as a tradesman is no easy task, as Stephen Julian-Fraser, a qualified electrician, discovered when he arrived from Australia in 2001.

That’s why he started Downunder Tradies last year, a recruitment company run by tradesmen for tradesmen.

“I decided there was a real need for some guidance for guys coming over within the construction industry,” Julian-Fraser says. “I found it quite difficult when I first got here to find all the information I needed to start work, so we decided to make it nice and easy for the guys coming over.”

For a fee, the company provides workers with a “full kit”, which includes an NI number and a bank account, and sorts out trade recognition requirements.

“When the guys get over here, they don’t know that they need to do a trade recognition to get an equivalency of their trade here in the UK,” Julian-Fraser says.

The business also has an agreement with a local wholesaler to secure bespoke tool kits.

Having opened Downunder Tradies offices in both the UK and Australia, Julian-Fraser plans to start a “reverse” service within the next six months for British tradesmen who want to work in Australia.

» Downunder Tradies (020-8434 3627)

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