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Right to request time off for training welcomed

It is crucial in this economic downturn that organisations invest in training
Both workers and managers have welcomed the right to request time off for training. The Children, Skills and Learning Bill, described in the Queen’s Speech on Wednesday, is set to appear before Parliament next year.

According to a survey by the Chartered Management Institute, many employers believe the new right will have a positive affect on skills levels and employee motivation. They believe the bill with increase their skills base, and make their companies more competitive.

The employment solicitor at law firm Rickerbys, Kristine Scott, pointed out that “for the employer, the individual does not have to be paid while they attend the training and they have the right to refuse the request if the training does not benefit the business.”

Some businesses expressed concern about establishing the right to training in the face of economic slowdown. The Federation of Small Businesses warned the bill “could cause administrative problems for small employers.”

But CIPD chief executive Jackie Orme emphasised that allowing employees to get additional training is good for businesses as well as employees.

"It is crucial in this economic downturn that organisations invest in training,” she told personneltoday.com.

“Those that upskill their workforce during the tough times will come out stronger and more competitive when the economy picks up."

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