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Tier 4 Student Visas

Tier 4 visas are for international students

Tier 4—Student Visas

Tier 4 visas are for international students who want to come live and work in the UK for the duration of their course. Students will need to meet several qualifications and accrue 40 points.

•    30 points - Doing a course at an acceptable level at an approved educational institution, which will sponsor the student.
•    10 points - Enough money to support yourself.

It’s possibly to switch to some Tier 1 and 2 visas from within the UK once study is completed.

The application fee for the Tier 4 student visa is £99.

The Tier 4 visa system implementation is being rolled out during 2009, so check with the UK Border Agency for updates ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk.

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