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Dream jobs not a reality

The reality is that it is very difficult to get that dream job
While 86 per cent of people in Britain aren’t in their dream job, 57 per cent wouldn’t retrain to get it, a fish4jobs survey reveals. The survey asked what peoples’ childhood dream jobs were.

Professional sports person was the top choice at 24 per cent, with actor, singer or TV presenter coming in second place at 22 per cent.

This compares to only 10 per cent wanting to work in the police force – bucking the trend to previous generations when it was considered to be one of the best professions. At the bottom of the list of desirable jobs were teachers and office workers at 0 per cent.

Joe Slavin, CEO www.fish4jobs.co.uk said, “It’s really interesting to see the transition from our childhood dreams to adult reality. Many kids grow up wanting to be in glamorous careers but the reality is that it is very difficult to get that dream job when there is so much competition out there. People end up quitting college and their dreams to pursue something different and often more stable.”

Slavin advises young people to get the right qualifications and be open to a number of opportunities for experience in their given industry.

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