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Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme

Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) replaces the working holidaymaker visa

Tier 5

The Tier 5 Youth Mobility Scheme (YMS) replaces the working holidaymaker visa, which allows citizens of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Japan to work and live in the UK for two years. South Africans can no longer come to the UK for a working holiday.

The Tier 5 visa allows you to work in any job, except playing or coaching a professional sport or working as a doctor in training. Once in the UK, you cannot extend the YMS unless you return home to apply for entry clearance through a different visa. 

Applicants must be 18 to 31, must have £1600 in their bank account and may not bring any dependents with them.

The visa has a £99 application fee.

With the new Australian-style point system, applicants need to have a total of 50 points to qualify for the YMS:

•    30 awarded for a certificate of sponsorship from your home country.
•    10 awarded for being between the ages of 18 and 30.
•    10 for having £1600 in the bank.

For more information see the UK Border Agency’s website: ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

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