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Redundant workers 'lack interview skills'

Helping them to get the skills to get back onto the job ladder is the first step

Workers who have been made redundant are lacking in the kind of interviewing and CV skills they need to help them find employment, clickajob.co.uk reports.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), believes that because many have not been out of work for a long time, they need support.

Therefore, helping them to acquire the basic skills to get back onto the job ladder is the first step.

Gerwyn Davies, public policy adviser from the CIPD, said that the break from work can benefit some people.

"There's also time to reflect on where your career aspirations lie but for others, the priority is much more urgent and they need to get back to the job front as soon as possible," he stated.

The autumn 2008 Labour Market Outlook by the CIPD revealed that 20 per cent of firms said recruitment and redundancies will increase staff levels.

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