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Tier 1 Highly Skilled Visa

Tier 1 visa allows those with specific skills to live and work in the

Tier 1—Highly Skilled Visa

The Tier 1 (general) visa allows those with specific skills to live and work in the UK for three years, with the possibility of extending the visa for a further two years.
To be eligible for a Tier 1 visa, you must have a master’s degree and have earned the equivalent of £20,000 in the year prior to your application.

The Tier 1 visa requires 95 points based on:

•    Education (you must have a master’s degree)
•    Previous earnings (you must have earned £20,000 in the pervious year)
•    Previous employment experience
•    10 points for English language skills
•    10 points for funds (applicants from within the UK need at least £800 in the bank, and applicants from outside the UK need at least £2800).

The application fee for the Tier 1 visa is £600. Dependents (spouse, children, unmarried partner, same-sex partner, or civil partner) are allowed under specific maintenance requirements.

Tier 5 (working holiday) visa holders must return to their home country to apply for a Tier 1 visa.
For more information see the UK Border Agency’s website: ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

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