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Tier 2 Work Permit

Tier 2 visas are available for people with job offers

Tier 2—Work Permit

Tier 2 visas are available for people with job offers from employers.  You will need to accrue 70 points based on:

•    Qualifications
•    Prospective wage
•    English-speaking ability
•    Having £800 in the bank

Employers must have a UK Border Agency license to sponsor workers, and their jobs must be at the appropriate level.

The Tier 2 visa is designed for skilled workers who are coming to fill job positions that cannot be filled by workers in the European Economic Area.  Jobs that aren’t on the shortage occupation list must therefore be advertised through Job Centre Plus before they can be filled by a Tier 2 visa holder.

The Tier 2 visa application fee is £205.
For more information see the UK Border Agency website: ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk

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